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Provide the segment to an advertiser

Data management platforms can share their audience segments with myTarget customers and earn on their own data.

To provide access, the owner of the data source creates an access key to use the source and sends it to any myTarget user. This way users can't see the original data, but they can use it when creating campaigns.
What data can be shared
You can open access to your segments and to individual data sources "User Lists", "Counters Top.Mail.Ru" and "Segments".
Types of access
Access to data can be public or private.

With public access, anyone with a key can add the source to their account and use your data in their advertising campaigns.

In case of private access, your data can be used in their advertising campaigns only by those advertisers to whom you have opened access.

Access can only be provided to end users.
You can share your segments for free (provide free public access to your data or conduct mutual settlements outside the myTarget system) or for a fixed CPM.

  • Free — for the use of the segment with the user will not take additional charges.
  • Fixed CPM — for the use of the segment, the user is charged additional CPM at the rate set by the owner.
Share a segment
On the "Audiences" tab, select "Share segments" and click "Share segments".
Share segments
Select the sources or segments you want to share.

Choose a business model for using the segment: share the segment for free or set a fixed CPM — it is debited from the user in addition to the cost of placement in the campaign.
Business model and recipients
Select the recipients of the segment:

  • Private access. In the "Select recipients" field, enter the logins of the myTarget users you want to give access to the segment or source. To send an access key to these users, click "Send access key to selected users".
  • Public access. If you want to create a public segment, leave the select recipients field blank.
Then click "Generate access key". Will appear on the page the access key, the list of users who are available, or indicating that the key public.
Generating access key
How to access a segment
Only the end advertiser can access the segment.

To access a segment, you must activate the key. There are two ways to do this.

1. On the tab "Audience" choose "External segments" and click "Activate access key". Enter the key and click "Activate".
Activating access key
2. Go to the activation link and click "Confirm".

After the key is activated, you can use the added segments in your ad campaigns.
List of segments opened to advertisers
A table listing all segments for which you have granted access, is available on the page "Share segments" ("Audience" → "Shared segments" → "Share segments").
List of avalible segments
How to close a user's source
The source owner can close the source or segment.

To close the source, delete the activation keys. On the "Audiences" tab, in the "Shared segments" section select "Share segments", select the segments you want to block access to, and click "Remove activation keys".
The list of sources that you have shared
After the data source owner has revoked the link, all campaigns that were linked to the data source will stop and the user will receive an email notification.

If the list Owner changed the list through the API method using the "base" parameter, the list will change for all users. Not the owners of the list to change it can't.
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