Profile is based on the following data:
1. Percentage of users by gender
2. Splitting users by age range: 0-17, 18-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55 and more
3. Splitting by city
Affinity index for each category of long-term interests:
- Auto
- Business
- Children's products
- For homes and cottages
- Pet
- Leisure and entertainment
- Health
- Computer equipment
- Beauty and self-care
- Cooking, food
- Kitchen appliances
- Furniture and interior
- Mobile communication and Internet access
- Realty
- Clothing and shoes
- Journeys
- Family and children
- Sports and outdoor activities
- Construction and repair
- Home appliances
- Finance
- Electronics
To build a report, upload a
user list or add a
counter Top.Mail.Ru.
After the coverage is calculated a profile icon will appear next to the source's status or coverage: