Audience profile

Audience profiles provide advertisers with information about how well the myTarget audience matches users from the client's list of users.

Using profiles, advertisers can understand how well the loaded audience in the list or counter suits them, as well as set the correct targeting settings.

"Audience profiles" is only available for lists of users and counters

You can build a portrait based on your own audience only.

Data and calculation

Profile is based on the following data:
1. Percentage of users by gender
2. Splitting users by age range: 0-17, 18-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55 and more
3. Splitting by city
4. Affinity index for each category of long-term interests:
- Auto
- Business
- Children's products
- For homes and cottages
- Pet
- Leisure and entertainment
- Health
- Computer equipment
- Beauty and self-care
- Cooking, food
- Kitchen appliances
- Furniture and interior
- Mobile communication and Internet access
- Realty
- Clothing and shoes
- Journeys
- Family and children
- Sports and outdoor activities
- Construction and repair
- Home appliances
- Finance
- Electronics

To build a report, upload a user list or add a counter Top.Mail.Ru.

After the coverage is calculated a profile icon will appear next to the source's status or coverage:
The "Audience profile" icon
Statuses of the audience profile:
  • green — profile is ready,
  • black — profile can be requested,
  • yellow — profile is being prepared,
  • red — error.
A profile can be built only if there are more than 5000 users in the source, about whom there is data in the system.

If you load a source with a large amount of data, but it contains less than 5000 users about whom the system has information, then the error "Not enough data to build a profile" will appear.
After the data source is loaded create a request to create a profile:
Request to create a profile
When the profile is ready, you will receive an email notification.

The report provides information about social and demographic characteristics of users: gender, age, and geo.
Social and demographic characteristics
You can also view information about the affinity of the user list to the myTarget audience in the report.
Affinitiveness (match index) — an indicator of the specificity of a category of interests for a given list audience or counter relative to the entire myTarget audience.

Please note that this tab will only appear if the target audience has enough data on interests to build a profile.
Affinity of the user list to the myTarget audience
The higher the indicator, the more users from your list are interested in this topic compared to the average myTarget audience.

For example, an index of 150% in the "Home and garden" category means that your list contains 1.5 times more people who are interested in home and garden products than the average number of users who see myTarget ads.

Index of 50% in the category "Finance" — the list has 2 times less interested in finance than the average for myTarget.
The generated report can be viewed at any time, as well as re-requested to get fresh data, for example, in case of a change in the source.
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