Shoppable Ads

Device type: desktop format
Platform: social networks,
Placement: in-stream video
Shoppable Ads is a new brandformance format that combines video and product catalog.

Advertisers can show 2-20 products in videos with links to their pages for quick checkout and at the same time work on brand image.

How to create an ad

To create an advertisement, you must upload a product catalog that will be displayed on the video. You can do it in two ways:
  • Use products from the product feed. In this case, you must first create and upload a product feed - instructions.
  • Upload image and product links manually.

How to upload products with a product feed

  1. In the Awareness goal block, select the "VK Products".
  2. Select format: "Shoppable Ads (feed, remarketing)" or "Shoppable ads (feed, new users)".
  3. Set up targetings.
  4. Will be selected "Dynamic Carousel" format.
  5. Create an ad:
  • Download an icon (at least 256x256).
  • Download video (requirements below).
  • Enter an ad title (up to 25 characters).
  • If needed add legal info.
  • Select call-to-action button text.
Product images, names and prices will be downloaded from the product feed automatically. Use product groups to show advertisements for several feed segments only.

After this Save an ad and finish campaign creating.

How to upload products manually

    1. In the Awareness goal block, select the "VK Products".
    2. Select the Shoppable Ads format.
    3. Set up the required targeting.
    4. Select product "Carousel Shoppable".
    5. In the "Ad format" section, select "Carousel (video)".
    6. Create an ad.
    For slides:
    • Upload a product image (600x600 px).
    • Enter a link to the product.
    • Enter a title (max 25 characters) and description text (max 32 characters).
      To display the price on the product card, you need to write it in the "Title of the slide" field in the format with or without a space: 10 000 rubles or 10000 rubles. Place the product name in the "Text of the slide" field, when the creative is assembled, it will be right below the card.
    • Move to the next slide and add the next product. You can add 2-20 products in total. In the preview on the right side of the "Products" tab, you can see how the product card will look like for users.
    General fields:
    • Upload an icon (at least 256x256 px).
    • Upload the video (file requirements are below).
    • Enter the title of the ad or product price (maximum 25 characters).
    • Add legal information if necessary.
    • Select the button text to go to the store.
    • In the preview on the right side of the "Video" tab, you can see how the video will look like for users.
    After that, click "Save ad" and complete the creation of the campaign.

    Technical requirements for creative

    • Video 16:9
    • Timing of the video: 15 to 30 seconds.
    • To launch using a product feed: a product feed with product names, prices, links, and product images needed.
    • To manually create product cards (2-20 cards): product image (square,
      600x600 px), product name (up to 18 characters), price and link to the product needed.
    • In the desktop version, part of the video may be covered by product cards and video player elements. Do not place important video plot elements near the edges of the video:
      • 25% at the top,
      • 10% at the bottom,
      • 20% in the lower right corner.
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