This information is partly outdated. Mobile app promotion now available via VK Ads

We have moved mobile app promotion to VK Ads, a platform with a case-proven efficiency where you can launch campaigns in five simple steps. Create account

Learn more about how to register and set up your VK Ads account by contacting your manager or our support team via
Type of payment

The payment type depends on the goal and optimization model you have chosen. You can pay for impressions, clicks, app installations, or video views.
The payment type is selected separately for each campaign.


Payment for impressions (CPM) - money is debited for ad impressions. You specify the price per 1000 impressions.
If you are advertising a mobile app and choose to pay for impressions, set up an in-app install event.

For best results, we recommend that you don't change your campaign settings or bid after you launch your campaign:
  • the system needs time to train and configure the ad broadcast model
  • dozens of app installations are required


Pay per click (CPC) - money is debited for clicks on your ad. You specify the price per click.


Payment for video viewing (CPA) - money is debited if the customer has watched the video partially or completely. You specify the price per view.


Payment for installations (CPI) - money is debited when the customer has installed the mobile app that you are advertising. This type of payment is available after accumulating multiple installations through the myTarget system.

Please note that to launch a campaign with this payment model, you first need to get at least 5 installations using an identical tracking link in the last 48 hours in CPM / CPM campaigns. More detailed

You pay for each installation. At the beginning of the campaign, the amount of debits for all CPI campaigns for the last two days (at least 10,000₽) will be frozen on the account.all conversions will be paid from this amount. This is due to the fact that information about installations may come from the tracker in myTarget with a delay.


Optimization by installation price (oCPM) - specify the desired conversion price: the bid in the auction will be calculated automatically, so as to adhere to the set conversion price. Funds will be debited from your balance for ad impressions. This strategy is available not for all ad formats.
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