Expanding coverage context targeting list

If you already have a well-formed list of contextual phrases, but the coverage is less than you would like, you can expand the coverage without adding new phrases manually. The system will analyze your list, select similar relevant phrases, and complete the list.

To expand your coverage the list:
  1. Open the desired list of contextual phrases (the "Audience" tab → " Contextual targeting»)
  2. On the list page, move the "Expand coverage" slider to the right.
The extension of coverage on the list
It is important to remember that this tool expands the list that you have already created, so you need to choose your keywords carefully.
Also note that the more you expand your audience, the less accurate the matches with the original list.
In the report, data on phrases from the extension will be collected in one line and the summary indicators for all requests for this option will be shown.
This tool is available on request. Send a request to support_target@corp.my.com, in the email specify the user name — you can view it in the "Profile" → "Contacts" section.
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