Playable Ads
(type: video + HTML5, objective: in-app Installs)

Device type: mobile format
Platform: social network "Odnoklassniki", advertising network myTarget
Placement format: feed

Playable ads — Interactive advertising is an advertising format, through which advertisers can offer their clients a kind of game preview, mobile application or brand.

Interactive Advertising Opportunities

  • Show your application or game using video.
  • Give people the opportunity to familiarize themselves with your application or game even before installation.
  • Attract those who are more likely to want to install your application or game.

The composition of interactive advertising

Introductory video

Each interactive ad includes an introductory video that plays when client scrolls a tape in the Odnoklassniki app. On top of the video, the game controller icon and text are displayed, inviting you to try.
Example ads in Playable Ads format

Application demonstration

After touching, a demonstration which will introduce users to your application will start.
Example ads in Playable Ads format

Example ads in Playable Ads format

Example ads in Playable Ads format

Call to action

At the end of the demonstration, a call-to-action button will appear: click on it, the client will go to the App Store or Google Play, where they can download the application.

Our tips to get the most out of online advertising

  • Grab attention with video. Create a high-quality preview of the game or a short training video course.
  • Make the demonstration as interesting as possible. Add instructions to the beginning of the demonstration in the form of text or images so that people immediately understand how to play the game.
  • Think about new players. Demonstration of gameplay should give new players a good understanding about the game.
  • Think about the creative. Choose the duration of the video, the level of complexity and visual design.
  • Test several creative options. Try different creative options to see what works best.

How to create online advertising

Before you start, create an interactive creative and make sure that it meets the technical requirements.

Step 1. Select the goal of the "Install Application" campaign.
Step 2. Enter the target link
Step 3. Choose the format of the advertisement "Interactive Creative. Video + HTML5"

Technical requirements for creative

Requirements for creating an interactive creative:

  • Format-HTML5 (extension-HTML).
  • The file must be uploaded as a ZIP archive.
  • The size does not exceed 2 MB.
  • Does not request mraid.js.
  • Does not make HTTP requests.
  • It has a vertical orientation.
  • It has an adaptive design for compatibility with different types of devices with different resolutions.
  • Does not contain a JavaScript redirect.
  • Consists of a single HTML file. Advice on combining data into a single file: encode the image in a base64 string, and integrate JavaScript in index.html.
  • The creative code uses the meta tag <meta name="ad.size" content="width=100%,height=100%">, which indicates design flexibility.
  • The creative code uses the JavaScript function MTRG.onCTAClick() or FbPlayableAd.onCTAClick() when a user interacts with a call to action in an ad. myTarget uses this code to go to the corresponding page in the app store.

It is important to meet 4 conditions when creating an interactive creative to successfully launch an advertising campaign:

  1. Create an interactive creative as a single file.
  2. Encode images in a base64 string, and integrate JavaScript in index.html.
  3. Use the meta tag <meta name="ad.size" content="width=100%,height=100%"> for adaptive design.
  4. Use the JavaScript function MTRG.onCTAClick() or FbPlayableAd.onCTAClick() to take the user to the corresponding page in the app store by clicking the call to action button.
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