Crossplatform post (type: Video, objective: Social Engagement)

Device type: crossdevice format
Platform: social networks,
Placement: feed

The format allows you to advertise posts with video in the social networks and, which are used as a single advertising platform: the algorithm recognizes the same user not only on different devices, but also on different social networks. For example, you set a one-time ad for a unique user. If a user watches a video in one of the social networks on a smartphone, then a similar advertisement on the desktop in another social network will not appear.
Example of crossplatform video in the VK feed

Allowed to advertise:

  • only hidden posts with such video inside, which is played in the player;

  • post in with the video inside, which is played in the player;

  • similar content posts in one ad.



  • maximum size - 90 Mb;
  • The resolution of the video - 640x360, 1280x720 or 1920x1080
  • Do not show important information in the bottom 10% of the video, because there are player controls.
  • should not mislead the user, contain buttons, duplicate services and other elements.
  • should not contain visible artifacts, distortion of proportions and other errors.
  • poor quality processing and high compression are not accepted.


  • MP4 (MPEG-4): video codecs - H.264, audio codec - AAC.
We recommend uploading videos no longer than 30 seconds.

How to create an ad in OK

You can only advertise posts from your group on the "Odnoklassniki".

  1. Go to your group and create a new topic.
  2. Click "Add video" and select the desired video.
  3. Click "Settings" and put a check mark in the item "Advertising publication".
  4. Click "Share".
  5. Copy the link and add it to the myTarget account.

How to create a "Hidden VK Post" (Hidden VK video)

1. Go to Link<GROUP_ID>?ads_promoted_create=1. Use your group GROUP_ID, for example:

You can see the ID on the main page of your group in the "Information" section.

2. Create a post with a video in the VK player. Attention: Video has to be public, otherwise the translation will be incorrect.
Creating a VK video post
3. After clicking save, it is redirected to the new hidden post. Example:

4. Copy link and add it to the myTarget.
Please note!

You can't advertise a post in two services at the same time.

You can't use additional elements (such as call-to-action buttons).

You can't change the content type: video to picture. If you need to make these changes, create a new post and a new ad campaign.
Removing the call-to-action button

How to create a "Cross-Platform Video Post"

  1. Select "Social Engagement"
  2. Enter the link to the OK or VK post
  3. Select the "Cross-Platform Posts" package
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